I PRATI ARMATI hanno resistito a molte alluvioni fra cui quella catastrofica in Sardegna, novembre 2013. 500 mm di acqua in 12 ore !
DIGHE IN TERRA. RIPRISTINO DIGHE NEW ORLEANS distrutte dall’uragano KATRINA: il SW PRATI ARMATI richiesto dall’esercito USA per valutarne la resistenza.
DIGHE IN TERRA. RIPRISTINO DIGHE NEW ORLEANS distrutte dall’uragano KATRINA: il SW PRATI ARMATI richiesto dall’esercito USA per valutarne la resistenza.
DIGHE IN TERRA . Un apparato radicale fitto e con buone proprietà meccaniche, arma il terreno e ne aumenta la resistenza al taglio. Le piante così ancorate non vengono asportate neppure da eventi piovosi molto intensi consentendo un’ottimale protezione superficiale del versante.
DIGHE IN TERRA – L’uragano Katrina è stato uno dei cinque più gravi uragani della storia degli Stati Uniti, il più grave in termini di danni economici, uno dei più gravi dal punto di …
La Repubblica - 3 giorni fa
Il 26 agosto 2005, quando i servizi meteo avvertirono che l’uragano Katrina stava per abbattersi New Orleans, prese la decisione di ordinare ..
To: info@pratiarmati.it
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 1:57 PM
Subject: Sheer strength increases on levees and dikes in the Southeastern US
Hello Claudio,
I am writing to you to ask a favor. I received your software from Dick and found it to be very interesting. I am currently working on a problem that is of national importance in the US and I need your help.
DIGHE IN TERRA. RIPRISTINO DIGHE NEW ORLEANS distrutte dall’uragano KATRINA. In August and September this year, two hurricanes hit the Gulf of Mexico US coastal area and severely damaged a major US city, New Orleans… Hurricane Katrina then Hurricane Rita completed flooded the city because the dikes and leeves failed and the floods caused more than 100 billion dollars of damage.
DIGHE IN TERRA. RIPRISTINO DIGHE NEW ORLEANS distrutte dall’uragano KATRINA. The US Army Corps of Engineers built the system of dikes and levees and is charged with their maintenance as well …
Their headquarters here in Washington DC wants us to present to their geotechnical engineers our ideas on a solution that will increase the strength of newly constructed levees and change their specifications so that vetiver can be introduced all along the entire system in the South eastern US…
DIGHE IN TERRA. RIPRISTINO DIGHE NEW ORLEANS distrutte dall’uragano KATRINA. Your software could be very important to us as a tool to predict the increase in sheer strength.
There is a potential here to completely revise the way in which flood control structures are built in the US combining vetiver hedges with conventional engineered structures…
I look forward to your advice and comments.
Kind regards Dale
Dale Rachmeler, Ph.D.
President and Coordinator
The Vetiver Network
106 Denver Road
Silver Spring Md. 20910, USA